You're not crazy. You're an inspired woman on a mission. INTRODUCING...
a goal digging, soul expanding sisterhood experience
THIS IS THE ONLY GROUP CHAT YOU'LL EVER NEED. Champagne Chat Is For Women On The Rise! And for women who need more support, more shoulders to lean on, more friends who will celebrate you. Each month we will gather in our collective divine feminine energy, with a beautifully chilled bottle of Champagne at the ready, to chat about real life practical ways to Level Up & Manifest Like Badass Bosses.
Expanding and growing and elevating is a never ending process. Often as we seek a higher level of expression those around us do not understand our desires. The Champagne Chat is now your place to come and express your desires, learn leveling up techniques and spend time with like-minded women and kindred souls.
Imagine waking up tomorrow ...filled with excitement for a new joyful day in your business focusing only on the most aligned, purposeful and meaningful things in your life, feeling completely supported because you belong to an intimate collective of women who light you up with fiery motivation and go-getter energy every damn day. Not to mention they have your back unconditionally while you passionately expand and experiment and create…
You're totally over your own BS by now right? Google is your new co-dependent’re buried deep in information overload, and frankly you’re a little stressed out. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Half the time you have no idea what you’re doing with your life or career path... just fakin it till you make it, but you still know you’re a fully capable, fully tenacious, total badass! You’re already in a bunch of free groups around the interwebs or Facebook, yet no one really knows who you are in those massive groups. And quite frankly, you’re lucky if you get one or two decent half-assed answers to your pressing questions, but those people don’t really care. Ouch!
The kind of women who put their money where their mouth is and showed the universe they mean business. Every move they make is one that makes them fall asleep feeling more proud of themselves than the day before. They, like you, have traded in flaky curiosity for true commitment to their dreams. Whether you need somewhere to run and celebrate when you have fantastic news, or a safe zone to do your public ugly cry with zero shame, this is the high vibe sisterhood you’ll find behind the closed doors of our weekly accountability party…
Every week we gather for a Girl's Night In audio chat, tips and techniques to level up your life, and an optional gorgeous themed journal to guide your personal development.
Every new moon and full moon, Letitia will release recorded healing affirmations, meditations, or hypnosis for you to use throughout the month, to raise your vibration and support your daily expansion.
Have personal questions or topics you'd like to have addressed? You will have access to the Champagne Chat 24/7 to learn everything you need to know for manifesting your dream life.
“Good Friends, High Vibes, Classic Champagne & Real Talk Will Elevate Your Life. Isn't It Time You Chose Yourself?”
Champagne is not required of course, it's more about embodying your highest self and wealthiest frequency. You can sip on anything of your choice to relax whenever you hop into the group chat. The most important intention here is your willingness to be real with yourself about where you are on any given day, at any moment, and the alignment work you're willing to do to get to your next level.
Every week and month the Champagne Chat will be bubbling with activity for you to indulge in at any time including recorded affirmations, pep talks, workshops, group calls, and much more that are all to offer not only spiritual ways to expand your inner world, but practical suggestions that have little to zero cost allowing you to put suggestions into play immediately. This is your new home to enhance and level up your current situation, whatever it may be. In addition to the monthly themes, there will always be surprise gifts and bonuses that will lift you spiritually into the vibration of expansion.
“I was impressed with not only your enthusiasm but that you also seemed to understand what I'm trying to hopefully build. I know you would be able to help me immensely...I really appreciate your time and caring personality - you certainly seem to be using your gifts and talents well.”
“This is the only business advice I’ve ever taken seriously and applied for because it really is that helpful. It's obvious you give your whole self to this entire group Letitia Elizabeth, and I guess that’s the case with honest, hard working people, as they’re always questioning themselves on whether they gave it their 110%. As a member in this community, I did not expect this much one-on-one attention please know you are going way beyond what anyone else in the industry is doing. So happy to be here and proud to be learning from someone so caring about her group. You’re da bomb!”
“Letitia was able to help me stop over-thinking every little detail and refine a complex array of ideas into easily actionable steps, allowing me to overcome the little fears I have of social interaction every day that would keep me from reaching my big goals. We were able to honestly and positively break some ground on my thought processes that were resulting in limiting behavior. Plus she's just really cool!”
I am so thrilled that you are here. I am even more excited about you deciding to join myself and the incredible sister friends inside Champagne Chat!! This is a beautifully sacred space for us share, grow, expand and level up together. This is our daily hangout to laugh, love, and support each other...just a click away and always within reach.
I love you already, and I am so blessed to be here with you because the universe made no mistakes guiding you to this page.
wake up, turn on your phone, and know there was unconditional love + support and eternal friendship waiting for you inside the ultimate group chat help with any goal or struggle or question you have, and never letting you feel alone ever again...
Just imagine... starting your month with a clear, focused, and aligned plan. No more running around like a chicken with its head cut off, all while as your bank account dwindles and your motivation for life, romance, or business slowly tanks. Imagine beginning each week feeling motivated, inspired, and full of energy to do what you’re soul is calling you to do!!! You no longer get caught up in a tornado of overwhelm, over-thinking, or bright shiny object syndrome anymore. You have sisters motivating you to balance work, play, relationships, and "me time" again. Imagine...ending each work day knowing you did what you set out to do and that your success is not only possible, but inevitable. You no longer toss and turn in fear that you’ll never get to the treasure pot. You know you’re doing all you can with all you have. You’re a confident, empowered, badass woman who not only knows what she wants..she damn well gets it too!
Humans. Next question.
Okay, okay I tease. CHAMPAGNE CHAT intended for women who simply want genuine accountability and sisterhood that will allow time and space for facilitating growth, expansion, and momentum in their personal development, spiritual healing, creative endeavors or business projects. It is for women who are committed, not just curious and dilly dallying around the internet with no purpose. Most people don't have a unconditionally supportive, non-judgmental, experienced human posse to help them out of their ruts or overwhelming moments — most people just have their cat. If you could use clarity about what to do next, lots of resources, answers to all and every question that pops into your head, heaps of encouragement 24/7, and plain ol' Not Doing Hard Things Alone, then by all means come inside! Likewise, if you're an introvert, have ADHD, hate leaving the house, or have incredibly unsupportive friends/family members who simply do not GET YOU, or you lose hours every day to procrastination scrolling even when you'd rather stop: hi. We are here. And this is most definitely the space for you.
Everything is energy! Simply put, women who exchange and show up versus the women who want everything to be free are two totally different beasts. I have hosted and been a part of dozens of free groups and you simply do not get the same caliber of energy in free groups. There’s something so subtly powerful about saying “hey I actually made a pledge to myself and I value others who did the same!” As you’ll see the price for entry is low enough to be accessible for you wherever you are in the journey since this is not about profiting off community, rather its about you showing a tangible commitment to your goals. Large free groups with a price tag of $0 are fine, but they will always give you room to fall behind since no one is paying attention and truly looking out for you every single week. The cost of a cuppa coffee is a fair pledge for you to make each week in honor of yourself and desire to be held accountable. Nothing more, nothing less.
Well the first and most obvious is daily friendship! Week after week of intimate support and cheerleading from other high vibe, go-getter women, a suite of motivational support including both general and personally tailored accountability check ins, Girl's Night In group calls and bonus live sessions for diving deep into each of the topics outlined by you, access to classes and surprise materials, and the benefit of never feeling alone in the struggle or alone when it’s time to celebrate yourself for both small and big wins.
The signature aspect of CHAMPAGNE CHAT is the accountability check ins, which take place a 12 noon EST every Monday and Friday. The check in posts will always have your most recent questions or gals in mind and be permanently placed in an organized fashion so you never miss out on being held accountable to your progress.
We will rotate the times to find an option that always suit everyone, no matter your location. The live sessions will be done in the group and topics can be sent in beforehand if you have a submission for the Q&As that you want to ensure gets included in case you cannot attend. We will vote inside the group on times that work for you.
People like you! We attract two groups of women. The lady boss cohort will be women who are either established and launching + experimenting with new ideas or they are at the beginning stages of starting their business and are seeking guidance and support around taking the leap. The joyful woman group it will be women looking for skills and tools to help them return to their authentic selves and step back into their daily joy through intentional living, alignment, and manifesting.
Yes, pinky promise! After today, I will only use the words “you're a fucking badass” and “fuck yasss queen you totally crushed that goal!!” No? Ok, okay. You come up with a safe word and we can make a blood pact or something!
You are free to cancel at anytime in a simple tap of a button! There is no commitment, contract, or requirement for you to stay. Of course it would be a disservice to not remind you of what you already know, which is abandoning any decision so quickly will only show the universe you are not committed to follow through, and the universe will return that message in kind by sending more of the same to keep you playing small. Food for thought. Plus, we’d really miss you a bunch if you left! This is a group where your absence is genuinely felt. Can you say that for your other free groups?
Sign up to join us now and be added to the sisterhood group instantly.
We have a free + flexible easy one-click Cancellation Policy..absolutely no locked-in contracts!
No hard feelings, no questions asked.
Simply login to your account or email us anytime, though we doubt you'll ever want to leave!
If you do decide to become part of the tribe, you give yourself permission to start living YOUR rich life: rich relationships, rich with creativity, rich experiences, rich business, rich health, and spiritually rich. You in?
OK, YASS I'M IN!Get instant access now
50% Complete
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