UPLEVEL111: The Mindset + Math Bootcamp
Right HERE is where to start when you don't even know all the things you still don't know about building a business that prints money...
You often hit your moments of bliss where the creative flow is popping, ideas are lighting your whole being up and something big rises out of you...a highly valuable something that inspires others….
Aaaaaand then you get stuck. Because you realize that in order to give birth to this idea baby, to leave the impact you want to leave, and do this thing that fully expresses who you are, you need to have resources...and you need to have them now.
I know the heartbreak of running an expensive hobby! After giving my second business 6 months of good ol’ fashioned elbow grease, I closed it down. Talk about a rough moment! But then I gave up my denial + excuses nonsense and invested in:
Then I spent the next 2 years learning how to build a thriving online business that got followed by international companies! Damn, talk about a turn around!
The reward? I could sit back in my pajamas, launch any planned-out idea online, travel the world in any city and start up a new concept, all while feeling fully confident in continued financial freedom.
It’s YOUR time now. All of my 17 years experience (success AND failures) are here for your use! I couldn’t be happier to offer it because I am called to get you out in the world sharing your gifts and creating a life you love. A life that supports you financially, emotionally and spiritually.
...start with the belief that you cannot fail.
Whether you are just starting out, or got stuck in rabbit hole #486 trying to do ALL the things….or going in circles trying to figure out how to implement what you have...allow yourself this chance to make a firm choice to end the cycle of inconsistency.
Of course, you’re wondering, “Letitia, how the HELL do I do that for real?! How do I make it stick?!”
Here you go! We’ll get into inspired action and understand how to build your foundation, build your platform, and build your fanbase of customers who eat up everything you sell.
That’s not a, "Oh let me sit here and dream about that happening someday!" It’s literally about to happen.
The question is: how much more money shall we give you?
😲 Yup, I said it! There’s a sputtering old adage that money doesn’t buy happiness, but that’s a crock of bull.
Let's talk woman to woman here. At the end of the day, the recipe for happiness is being well fed, well clothed, warm, taken care of! It is knowing that you can return to a well-kept home at the end of everyday. But it all requires money babe, ain’t no way around that. To help you get there, I set out to research and survey hundreds of people around the world using only one question:
“How much money do you need to make outside of your typical 8-5 job salary to cover your share of the rent/mortgage, food, wardrobe, transportation, pocket money, and bills for an entire year.”
Wow. Modest, and completely doable when you actually think about it. If you could make a guaranteed forty grand by creating your own dream job and launching your own passionate ideas into the world…
...so you never have to accept clients you don’t want to work with on odd end jobs...or work for someone if you don’t want to ever again…
Wouldn’t that be a new source of happiness? It sure as hell would be a new source of freedom.
Freedom is priceless.
You wanted to get into business to feel more free.
So let’s do that.
"I literally went from confusion, overwhelm, and, major anxiety - not to mention zero confidence -- to feeling that I could actually start a real business and already signing three fully paid, amazing, kickass clients who I LOVE working with. 🤩 This experience gave me the push I truly needed; the exercises Letitia lays out allowed me to clear out all of the fluff and clutter and focus in on what I wanted to achieve and how I was going to get there. I had all of these thoughts, ideas and ambitions but no idea how to turn them into something real. I didn't know how to blend all my passions with my skills. I was just so worried that I'd need to desperately attract any kind of customer to make being self-employed work. Now I confidently defined set of criteria for the clients I want to take on which align with my personal values. I'm so much happier!! 🔥 I don't know how to be more specific than without working with Letitia, I wouldn't have set up my business and been able to define its true purpose. Thanks to this experience, I had the guts to invest time into making my dream a reality and it's starting to come true! "
🔥 Up-levelling visionary babes to raise their self worth + net worth, use mindset as a business strategy, and create work that makes them feel good
You’ll learn to use social media the way I do! That’s so powerful because it is how I get most of my business these days. Infact, it was how I was able to confidently retire from one of my ecommerce stores without worry, and travel the world during a much-needed break by selling ONLY on Instagram.
No website, no email marketing, no blogs, no nada. Now that is empowerment.
In this experience, you get me, the kickass getting-you-to-take-immediate-action expert who will also help you deal with aaaaall the muck that comes up when you do. I will get you get moving forward quickly with the powerful support that you need to bust out of being stuck, frozen, paralyzed or derailed. Whether you want to grow big or start small. Whether you want to move quickly or transition into your freedom. These things I am going to teach you are things I wish I would have known when my first couple of business projects were dying a slow death. Now I’m excited to help you not fall into the same traps of resistance.
This experience begins the Monday after you enroll. All lessons are delivered to you digitally, along with support materials. You will have access to 2 live calls with Q&A laser coaching and can submit questions to be answered whether you or on the call live or are going to listen to the recording. And you get access to a private accountability group where you can ask questions, share experiences, and interact daily with me and others working through the bootcamp as well. Extra resources are often made available to you through the private group, which you have continued access to.
PLUS RECEIVE THIS BONUS instantly upon signing up and get started working on your business mindset right away: You will receive a downloadable workbook called UNFUCK YOUR MIND. Woops, sorry momma! Excuse this French, but the unfuckery is absolutely necessary. Take your time to check your mindset into rehab before the bootcamp begins so that you can create from a place of confidence + clarity. You’ve heard it a million times, and it will never become less true— success starts in the mind. Everything else is simply icing. It’s the difference in making reliable money rather than struggling to get by. What if you felt confident about who you are and believe the best about yourself? Who would you become if you were your own biggest cheerleader? What would you create more of in the world if you had a positive self-image? With this bonus Unfuck Your Mind workbook, you’ll uncover how low confidence develops, how other successful women have overcome this struggle, and what you can do to improve your business confidence right now.
Join the bootcamp now!
"I landed a dream client for a new service so soon after making use of Letitia's advice! It was the best client experience that I ever had! I just got to play with marketing and create results for a customer who was eager to give me money. What a game changer! Working with Letitia is a process of opening up, of stripping off layers and growing like crazy! If you aren’t ready for divine coincidences, or replacing feeling average for being among the greats...then you don’t want to work with her. My self confidence, ideas and intuition are validated AF. I can’t even begin to tell you how much that has exceedingly transformed me and my work. My biggest hurdle was, “UGH. Not another coach...everyone is the same LOL.” I was burnt out and jaded. Letitia’s voice stood out from the deafening noise. She makes creation feel safe, natural and wonderful. Before, I always felt like work was something that you had to psych yourself up to do. And then recover from! Letitia gave me the permission and example to shift from work slog to highly productive, collaborative, and energetic loaded creative PLAY. I can’t think of anything better! Buy everything that she creates, seriously. It will change your life."
Are you tired of toiling away for hours on tasks and strategies that don’t seem to pan out and worse, suck the energy right out of you?
Do you feel like you have no time (or mental capacity) to do what you really want to do, because you spend so much time dealing with what you “have to” do?
Are you fed up with the idea of working with less-than-ideal clients just because you “need the money”?
Yeah, no fun right. All you want is to create from your joy and passion, send ideas into the universe, and have money come back in return. But instead what is probably happening is that...
You’re not making much money with your business ideas consistently and you can’t figure out why.
You seem to always be looking for new clients or customers and you’re exhausted.
You feel like you’re giving so much away for free and getting nothing in return.
You’ve been doing everything the pros say you “should” do, but it’s still not working.
You’re stuck, you’re going in circles, and you can’t seem to catch a break.
I feel you. I’ve been there. Doing the same thing, day in and day out, busting your ass trying to make this dream of yours come to life. Where is the financial freedom everyone else seems to be enjoying? When will it be your turn?
“Shiny Object Syndrome” is a real thing and I know what you’re doing. You get sucked in to freebies and in-depth programs like a madwoman. Am I right? They are quite alluring indeed. Every course you take, every coach you hire, the unspoken promise is that this will be the next thing to catapult you in your business. And it very well may be. Sometimes though, it comes down to your level of focus and consistency. Easier said than done, we know!
The good news? All you have to do is start applying everything you’ve already been taught. And that starts with focus and consistency.
Without focus, without consistency, you’re going nowhere fast. The money will slip through your fingers. You’ll work your ass off and have nothing to show for it, because the work you’re doing is just “busy” work and nothing that will actually bring in the big bucks or the joy or ease.
Getting focused and being consistent are the two most important things you can do for your business at this very moment. Not addressing these two simple things will destroy you. You’ll be working yourself to the bone, never leave your couch, ignore your family and forget to eat and shower most days and for what? A part-time hobby?
No thanks.
… and, most importantly, Bring More JOY into Your Life!
This is NOT another educational experience for you to opt into then discard...falling back into bad habits or patterns that keep you stuck. This is a very thoughtful focus formula that has been tried and tested for many years, with the intention of sharing a method that is going to turn your business upside down and allow you to make big changes so you can see BIG financial results.
The only requirement?
You need to be consistent with getting visible and making shift happen. Not only is it possible for you right now, but it’s happening for thousands of women around the globe. And you’re next, so get ready to saddle up. No one else can make this happen except you.
Plus, you’re already on the right track. You’re already doing what you’re supposed to be doing. You’re just missing two key components to business success - focus and consistency.
🔮 Focused on your plan
🔮 Focused on your mindset
🔮 Focused on being visible
🔮 Focused on your numbers
📌 Consistent with your marketing
📌 Consistent with your visibility
📌 Consistent with your message
📌 Consistent with your community
📌 Consistent with your ability to apply the things you learn
Join me and a committed group of service creators, product makers, designers, artists, writers, healers, coaches, and conscious entrepreneurs who are ready to make use of a unified system that compounds and maximizes your efforts, saving you time and money in the process. Watch as all the pieces of the puzzle start working together in a way that makes sense and is set up to bring you the dream customers and dream income now, not later. Develop a plan of action so that you know what to do every day, every week, and every month all year long.
Overwhelm is not found here. We will build this together. All you will need to implement everything I teach you is:
If you don’t have any of these, no problem, we will make sure you do by the end of the week. Everyone, no matter what their starting line is, will benefit from this valuable information as you put integral components in place, and tap into the recommended resources you need to get it done.
Each day you’ll receive two short audio lessons: one in the morning with an easy-to-implement action step and one in the evening with a mindset rehab exercise that will help you stay focused and confident. These are hands-on, actionable techniques, you can use every day to uplevel your mind and bank account. Sign up now to get instant access to the workbook and all bonuses before the live bootcamp kicks off!
I’m Letitia Elizabeth, founder of the Business Homecoming Society — the first and only mindset rehab for multipassionates — as well as an accountability coach who empowers fed up boss ladies to use mindset as their most effective business strategy by cutting through the bullshit, and creating space for laser focus to turn passion into profit. I’m so glad you’re here! I’ll be your challenge hostess with the mostess. I have spent the last 17+ years self-employed and six supporting entrepreneurs to become smarter business owners. With a little tough love and guidance from me, you will develop your own blueprint for a profitable business plan, which translates into more money in your pocket sooner than later, and an amazing self-employed lifestyle you love waking up to every day.
50% Complete
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